equip caregivers to support them,
and give churches an opportunity to enter a house of mourning and grow in wisdom.
On February 8, 2020, Todd & Melissa Shaffer lost their 18yo son, Tristan, to mental illness & suicide. Their lives forever changed.
And now they are using their gifts of pain and filmmaking to minister to others.
What began as a single documentary has transformed into a multimedia ministry.
The first 14 episodes are 60 to 90 minute interviews with bereaved parents sharing their stories of loss, survival, and trust in God. These are couples who are grieving well, which doesn't mean they aren't grieving. To grieve well is to trust God in your grief. These couples have lost children to cancer, accident, suicide, still birth, illness, overdose, and combat.
The final episode interviews a dozen pastors, church leaders, and church family to talk about how Tristan Shaffer's suicide impacted their local church community and how they supported the Shaffer's at that time.
11 of the 15 episodes have been recorded and are being edited.
Episode 1: Brad & Jill Sullivan lost Hannah to brain cancer
Episode 2: Arlo & Capri Weiskopf lost Amos in an auto accident
Episode 3: Tony & Teresa Davis lost Andrew in an airplane crash
Episode 4: Hal & Elizabeth Barge lost John to suicide
Episode 5: Larry & Janice Brown lost Adam in combat in Afghanistan
Episode 6: Dan & Kristen Naylor lost Abby in the womb due to an umbilical twist
Episode 7: Troy & Jana Solhjem lost Jeremiah in an ATV accident
Episode 8: Ron & Nan Deal lost Connor to sudden illness
Episode 9: Jim & Carol Smitherman lost Sarah to pulmonary embalism
Episode 10: Mark & Jennifer Martin lost Ethan to suicide
Episode 11: Josh & Nicole Kingsbury lost Amber to suicide
Episode 12: Lisa & Miles Armstrong lost Jacob to suicide
Episode 13: Troy & Jana Solhjem lost Jeremiah in an ATV accident
Episode 14: Todd & Melissa Shaffer lost Tristan to suicide
Episode 15: Shaffer church family & friends about loss of Tristan Shaffer
Highly-produced, 10-15 minute mini-documentaries about the stories of child loss and survival.
The purpose of the mini-docs is to provide an accessible, dramatic, well-produced short documentary highlighting the key elements of a bereaved couples' story.
A unique, cinematic experience that is part documentary and part "cinematic" lament," that tells the Shaffer's story of losing Tristan to suicide & surviving as they walked with God through the pain.
What is a cinematic lament? It's what happens when words aren't enough. A filmmaker turns to the tools they know best.
This home-schooled family of six never imagined they would be touched by depression and suicide. Two days before Tristan's 19th birthday he ended his life.
Three years later, a week before his 3rd homegoing anniversary, a fire broke out in the garage where God reached down to receive his soul. The entire garage was incinerated. Nothing survived, yet, aside from smoke and water damage, the rest of the house was untouched. It was as if God unleashed his displeasure on the place of Tristan's death and released the Shaffer family from that home.
For the next 9 months they were displaced. Todd decided to act on a desire to make a documentary about their experience. As they traveled across the country they would interview other bereaved parents on camera, hoping it would help them process their grief and find a new equilibrium to life.
As their journey began, Brad and Jill Sullivan invited them to the While We're Waiting Refuge in Hot Springs, Arkansas to interview not just one couple, but eleven couples -- all of them facilitators of While We're Waiting retreats for bereaved parents , and all bereaved parents themselves. Surviving Child Loss was born.
Since then, the vision for Surviving Child Loss has evolved from a single documentary to become an online media ministry.
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